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98 Earthquakes Around New Zealand In 24 Hours

New Zealand Earthquake Swarm

98 Earthquakes Around New Zealand in 24 Hours

Dozens of earthquakes have shaken the North Island and central New Zealand over the past 24 hours, including a magnitude 4.9 quake that struck this morning.

The swarm of earthquakes began on Monday and has continued throughout Tuesday, with the largest quake so far being a magnitude 5.6 that struck off the coast of Gisborne on Monday night.

Geonet, the government agency that monitors seismic activity in New Zealand, says that the earthquakes are part of a swarm that is likely to continue for some time.

“We have had a lot of earthquakes in the last 24 hours,” said GeoNet duty seismologist Anna Kaiser.

“It's not unusual to have swarms of earthquakes in New Zealand, but this one is quite large. We're still getting a lot of earthquakes, and we expect that to continue for some time.”

The earthquakes have been felt throughout the North Island and central New Zealand, with some people reporting feeling shaking as far away as Christchurch.

There have been no reports of any damage or injuries so far, but GeoNet is urging people to be prepared for aftershocks.
